Infant Swimming Resource is the product of over 50+ years of research and development in the areas of drowning prevention and aquatic survival instruction. Infant Swimming Resource is the first and only nationally recognized program striving to change this statistic.

ISR History


Founded by Harvey Barnett, Ph.D., in 1966, ISR endeavored to put an end to a preventable tragedy…childhood drowning. Barnett witnessed the aftermath of this tragedy after a neighbor’s 9-month-old son reached the water alone. From that point on, Barnett vowed to do everything possible to ensure that Not One More Child Drowns. A behavioral scientist by trade, Barnett adapted his theoretical knowledge of learning to pioneer the ISR Self-Rescue™ method used today to teach infants and young children to save themselves should they reach the water alone. What began as one man’s mission has transformed into a worldwide organization. To date, ISR has 800 documented cases of children using ISR’s survival swimming techniques to save themselves from drowning.


At ISR, your child’s safety is our first priority. Each survival swimming lesson is uniquely tailored to your child’s needs based on a comprehensive assessments and continual monitoring of your child’s health and skill attainment. We understand that every child learns at his or her own pace, and accordingly, your child will be gently guided through each skill level based on his or her level of development and readiness.


When it comes to your child, you always look for the most qualified, caring instructors. Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) is no different. Beyond sharing a dedication to safety of children, each ISR Instructor is highly trained and certified to teach ISR’s Self-Rescue method. All ISR Instructors are highly trained both academically and in the water. They are monitored and evaluated for their safety and efficiency and must complete stringent recertification requirements annually. Each Instructor completes an 8-week intensive training and certification program, which includes a minimum of 80 hours of supervised in-water training. The ISR Instructor training program also includes a challenging education component that focuses on subjects such as child psychology, physiology, and behavioral science. Once an Instructor is certified, they are required to complete annual reviews and re-certification to ensure that their skills and techniques continue to meet ISR’s high safety standards. Each ISR Instructor is carefully screened through extensive interviews before qualifying to earn certification. Each ISR Student Instructor studies with a Certified Master Instructor, who develops a unique training program that targets each Student Instructor’s learning and teaching styles.


The National Infant Swimming Resource website provides the history of the ISR program, explains the lessons and technique, includes parent testimonials, and offers student and media video clips. It is also a great resource for information about pool and water safety.